Grand Canal Dental Clinic
Grand Canal Dental Clinic is located 1 minute walk from Grand Canal Street Dart Station, on the corner of Barrow Street and Grand Canal Street.

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Venue Information:
Details: | |
Address | 8 Grand Canal Street Upper, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland |
Web Site | | | |
Phone | +353 1 664 3484 |
- Nervous Patient Care
- Oral Hygiene Care
- Dental Fillings
- Root Canal Treatment
- Crowns and Veneers
- Tooth Whitening
- Clear Braces
- Dental Implants
- Wisdom Teeth
- Tooth Grinding
Dr. James Tarpey - (B.Dent.Sc.,B.A.) - Principal Dental Surgeon and Clinical Director
Dr. Lisa Boland (B.Dent.Sc.,B.A.) - Associate Dental Surgeon
AnnMarie Bergin (RDH) - Senior Dental Hygienist
Charlene Reardon (RDH) - Senior Dental Hygienist
Jenny Merrigan - Dental Nurse and Practice Management
Lesley Anne Merrigan - Practice Management and Dental Assistant
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 8.00am - 8.00pm
Saturday: 9.00am - 1.00pm (by appointment)
Sunday: Closed